As Christmas rapidly approaches, it has been beautiful here at the Rockin R! We are living in a crystallized world of white.
We have been out moving cows around the ranch, and the sounds and sights of winter have arrived. The crunch of snow underneath your feet, the horses steaming breath, and the sun sparkling off the snow. It has been wonderful.
The wildlife have moved down out of the mountains into our little valley. We have seen foxes, coyote, elk and mule deer. There have been quite a few big bucks around, but I haven’t been able to get a good picture yet.
Down at Otter Creek the ice fisherman are surrounding their little holes that they have dug into the ice, waiting, hoping that the fish will choose their line.
The twinkle light are up, the trees have been decorated, the team has been hitched to the hay wagon and we are out singing Christmas carols on an ole’ fashioned winter hay ride.
Life is as good here in the winter as it is in the summer. You just have to wear more clothing!!
Brandon Hanks